Tuesday, September 13, 2005

of THE camera, fat men and hu-ge drums!

I love my new camera... it takes the most amazing photos... isn't this amazing? Been really into learning how to take pictures... or should I say wishing I had more time to learn how to take pictures properly... currently using the camera for work too! very cool... all the A&P people are impressed... thank God for a wonderful person who bought me a camera... and for pretty people to take pictures of... :) Posted by Picasa


Ultra Toast Mosha God said...


that looks like blood.

Or a close up of pizza

Anonymous said...

Singapore Charges Two Men for Anti-Muslim Comments Online
Two men were charged in a Singapore court with violating the city-state's sedition laws by posting ... The Rocky Mountain News and Arapahoe County commissioners had sought the release of the e-mails, arguing they were public record because they were written on county computers.
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!

I have a work from home site. It pretty much covers work from home related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

Anonymous said...
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limegreenspyda said...

uh, girl, you should go activate that word verification thingy to prevent further comment spam.

now on to the important things...

YOU HAD A BLOG SINCE JUNE LAST YEAR AND NEVER TOLD ME ABOUT IT??!!!?!?!?!! gah. and just so you know, the moment i saw "small girl" and "giant" strung in the same sentence, i knew it was you! heh. smart, huh?

so. can i link you?

and can i say how much you resemble your mom? uncanny! and i don't think i've met her before! but that photo... aah. and your random thoughts/dreams... Viva la Dreams!

so. let me know when you're coming k? *hugs*

awhitebubble said...

hello spyda! :) glad you could drop by... think i gave u the url some time back.. but i'm not an avid/consistent blogger... blog when i feel like it.. :) maybe that's why the blog isn't very alive...

thanks for the word verification tip! thought to myself *duh!* :)

of course u can link me! that'll be cool! :)

Do i really resemble my mum? I used to think that but not anymore... i think YOU look like your mum... same mooncake mould! :)

prob will drop by in end oct if at all.. i need a holiday desperately! :)