Thursday, May 07, 2009

of the difference between being utterly alone in the office swamped with work and being in Christ alone

I will look back on tonight, face wet with tears of frustration and remember that in Christ alone, my hope is found, He is my light, my strength, my song.. This cornerstone, this solid ground, firm through the fiercest drought and storms.. what heights of love, what depths of peace, my fears are stilled, my Comforter, my All in all, here in the love of Christ i stand..


moo* said...

HEY YOU! dreamt of you last nite... what happened here? hope things look better in the light of day - and from the vantage point of the Rock that is higher that I :)

i need to get to HK - PRONTO!! hope this stupid flu thing passes quickly so i can hv safe passage there (weekend of 12-15 june, maybe?)

limegreenspyda said...

You aren't "utterly alone" in the office either; there are people who've got you in their hearts and minds. You just need, sometimes, to acknowledge it for yourself.

You don't have to make a martyr of yourself all the time, y'know, with work.

It's been aeons since I listened to a Christian song, and this used to be one of my favourites. Back then. But this woman's lips irritated the hell out of me, so I had to type this comment with the box covering her face while i listened. :D

So funny: my word verification is warse. A combination of worse and arse!